Thursday, August 5, 2010

Famosas Mexicanas Mostrando Follando


"(...) the invisible can be seen, so to speak, in two ways.

1.Containing-visible in the visible, invisible to the order of the visible and secret I can keep removing it from view. This can avoid artificially invisible to the eye but remain in what is called the externality (if I hide a nuclear arsenal in a basement or an explosive in a cache, it is also an area, and if I hide a part of my body under a dress or a veil, hide is also an area in another area: everything is hidden and becomes invisible yet it is in the order of visibility, constitutively visible. Similarly, in another order of examples, and according to another structure, what we call inside the body (my heart, my kidneys, my blood, my brain) is, of course, as they say, invisible, but are of the order of the visible : an operation or an accident could expose them to the surface, its interior is temporary, its invisibility can be proposed or offered for view.)
All this is about as in-visible visible.

2. But we also have the absolute invisibility and absolutely non-visible, not everything is for registration of sight, sound, musical, sonority (and therefore the phonological or discursive sense), plus also the tactile and Odor. And desire, as curiosity, as the experience of shame and the unveiling of the secret, the unveiling of the pudendal or "seeing in secret" (videre in abscondito), all that movement - leading, in the secret, secret, beyond the play constantly, can only play between these dimensions of the invisible: invisible and visible hidden, invisible encrypted or non-visible as other than the visible "
Jacques Derrida. Giving Death.


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