Monday, January 31, 2011

Sound Blaster X-fi Mb Licence


Dear follower and reader.

I inform you that I have opened a new blog: The Science of Management as Deming

is accessible by clicking on the icon or http://jordicabre1.wordpress. com /
In this new blog I am focusing my articles on topics related to the Deming Management as well as in other matters.

This Blog continue placing items of all kinds but especially those related to GHGIS Consulting as a company, GHGIS Blog Consulting and informative events of general interest arise from the company.

From the website of this company has access to both blogs:

and the next GHGIS Events Consulting

I will be happy to have you in this new blog.

Jordi Cabré

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Swollen Knee In Horses

Conference "The Transformation of Management by W. Edwards Deming"

Date: March 1, 2011
Time: 18h - 20h
Location: Col • legi d'Enginyers Industrials "- Via Laietana, 39 - 08003 Barcelona
For more information and registration :

Continuous Improvement against the old paradigms

Summary of the conference

In this lecture, using old paradigms and beliefs taken as correct today, reflecting on the guide to follow in management decisions as well as new roles and responsibilities of management to ensure competitiveness, keeping their long-term organization and satisfaction of customers and partners.

ideas will be considered and early W. Edwards Deming, more valid than ever, the man who drove the industrial revolution in Japan, boosted the quality in the 80's and anticipated the crisis based on current management style and economic mainstream.

As he anticipated, his ideas would require decades to be understood and applied. We are increasingly believe that the time has come.

1 .- The situation today

The management profession is one of the most difficult and time of greater responsibility, because its decisions affect the whole society.

Today the manager is faced with challenges and in a situation, the result of an environment, beliefs and paradigms, which influence the effectiveness of their decisions. To improve the chances of success, not just individual effort and give it the best of yourself, you need the "knowledge" adequate.

The recent crisis is a clear indication that something is not done correctly, for reasons apart from financial and industry, is the set of decisions made in offices of senior management which seem to lack of an adequate scientific basis. High responsibility lies they require robust tools.

Today it is generally assumed that the way they are managed business organizations require a new approach. In a study by IBM "Capitalizing on Complexity" in 2010, which interviewed 1,541 senior executives, concludes that as the complexity of the different forms of interaction within and outside organizations increases, managers must acquire new skills and knowledge.

W. Edwards Deming, the most influential thinker that has existed on Management, and translating these and other findings in his book "Out of the Crisis" in 1982. Furthermore, errors and problems of Management remain the same as listed in his work. Timeliness and relevance are made demonstrated both for his success as being the only thinker on Management, I record, which anticipated the current crisis based on "... the failure of senior management in its mission to manage."

remember some of the errors mentioned chronic W. Edwards Deming: emphasis on short-term gains, cost reduction policies, see the company only through the economic data, non respect for employees and especially the lack of consistency in improvement.

The purpose of any organization is getting results, they represent its purpose and the common purpose of its members. In a business organization that purpose is, among other benefits, but also its continuity.

2 .- Some paradigms and false beliefs

A common mistake is to assume that an organization can be managed based on economic performance alone. No, it is not. On the contrary it is the false conclusion of a simplistic economic vision and paradoxically involved serious adverse economic consequences. The results, in this case the benefits, costs and revenues can not be the sole basis in which management is founded as they are the consequence of a particular way of doing, not the cause. Trying to manage based on results, erroneously belief amounts to modifying the compass that points north, to change the patient's thermometer, or as Deming said, to "... drive looking in the rearview mirror."

As Deming said, " We want good results, but managing for results is not the way to get " [1]

[1] , W. Edwards Deming, "The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education" 1994, C ap. 2 - p.33


When using cost reduction as a way to balance the drop in income and thus compensate for loss of profits, you are just thinking in formulating accounting (profit = revenue-costs), but is imposing the result against its causes, distorting reality. We are pushing the finger pointing to the problem, not this.

we get good results over a period of time, reducing costs even necessary, but later, will reduce quality, increase the costs of inefficiency and consequently will reduce earnings. But the manager who only uses glasses accounting numbers, seeing the harmful effects of the cut or even attributed their decision, thus solving the next drop in revenue and repeat such an offense costs increased to reduce costs deepening cycle in the problem. At the final closing. Lack a better analysis tool.

3 .- The systems approach

Peter Senge, Director of the Center for Organizational Learning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) explains in his 8 patterns of organizational behavior, why which the understanding of organizations is so counterintuitive, " Cause and effect are not easily related in either space or time " [2]

[2] ,4 Peter Senge, “ The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization ”, 1990


Gracias al estudio sistémico de las organizaciones sabemos que la interrelación entre sus componentes hace que las pequeñas “soluciones” de hoy tengan grandes efectos mañana. Peter Senge indica: “ Las cosas siempre mejoran antes de empeorar ” o “ Los problemas de hoy son las soluciones yesterday. "

W. Edwards Deming, aware of this reality, he anticipated it would take decades to accept and implement the counter-intuitive solutions he proposed for the transformation and adaptation to the New Economy.

understanding needed to use a "system" of organizational behavior that allows us to understand the cause-effect relationships but are set aside at the time. When analyzing organizations as systems is considered all its members and departments, but not as isolated parts, but in their interrelationships and their relationships cause and effect.

Most of the improvement opportunities included in the system and it is the responsibility of Management.

developments must promote the common purpose of the organization and not a department, unit or individual, if it runs counter to this purpose. The process improvement is not enough, must be set.

This should rise to the system "society" as a whole. Governance should also fall in this understanding of reality: the changing policies, the grants without the knowledge and impulsive reactions produce side effects in the whole society.

therefore necessary to establish a culture of collaboration, not competition, both within the organization and between organizations with common interests.

4 .- Interpreting the measurements: systemic errors and special

often no measurable improvement opportunities. A common mistake is obsessed only measurable things, then giving them an importance they do not, Russell L. Ackoff stated clearly what is happening inside organizations: " Managers who do not know how to measure what they want, just wanting what they can measure " [3]

[3] Russell L. Ackoff with J. Herbert Addison and Sally Bibb , " A Little Book of f-LAWS " 2006

. Deming, surprisingly for a statistician, went further saying that most of the improvement opportunities are immeasurable and unknown things.

measurable in things is important to know how to interpret the statistical significance of the figures obtained. To W. Edwards Deming measurements are only useful if the information provided helps us to improve the overall system , this is to distinguish between causes and systemic causes of error to make operational decisions.

things are not measurable in no sense to know that there are also natural causes or systemic. This requires an internalization than methodological understanding of statistics.

The statistician Walter A. Shewhart, W. teacher and mentor Edwards Deming, developed simple methods through charts (SPC) to distinguish between "natural" causes or "random" (systemic) and causes "special" or "assignable". It was probably the biggest discovery for decision making of the twentieth century, the perplexity caused by AT & T went on to note that the more they struggled to produce identical ingredients, plus increased variation between them.

Deming and Shewhart explained that while "natural" causes are the system, and thus management can only act on them, the "specific" come from casual and temporary causes, including specific changes to the conditions operation, change of supplier, material, etc. The systemic causes of error over 90% and operating, less than 10%.

5 .- The PDSA method

W. Edwards Deming taught us that reality is too complex to try to improve decisions that contain all the possible variables to consider, so to succeed in minimizing the risk decisions, used the scientific method PDSA [4] : Planning, Design To study and decide.

[4] W. Edwards Deming, "The New Economics for Industry, Government and Education, 1994. Deming refers to it in his book as the Shewhart cycle learning and improvement. Similar to most common PDCA that similarly used in Japan and then practiced as Kaizen.

can sense the manager making the decision [X] will result in improvement [Y]. The truth is that rarely is that simple. The systemic effect of natural variations and produce a multitude of interactions and variability, thereby testing the alternative is to generate knowledge.

6 .- Dimensions to consider - Sopko [5]

[5] W. Edwards Deming, "The New Economics for Industry, Government and Education, 1994. Sopko - "System of Profound Knowledge" has its origin in Deming 80 but not documented until the release of his latest book.

is essential that proposals and experiments arising consider four key dimensions to be used as a dynamic and interchangeable lenses to appreciate and understand by an organization. These lenses form what he called as Deming System of Profound Knowledge.

I. Systems thinking: See the organization as a system with a common purpose and cause and effect relationships between its parts.

II. Variability: information as a way to differentiate between systemic causes and specific causes.

III. Creating Knowledge: Knowledge is acquired internally with the PDSA cycle.

IV. Psychology and behavior: To understand people and their potential reactions to the changes.

Note: This article and all its contents are © Copyrighted by Deming and Jordi Cabré Collaboration. All rights reserved. Anyone is free to reproduce at no charge provided the following statement appears: "Reprinted with permission from Deming Collaboration and Jordi Cabré, The Transformation of Management according to W. Edwards Deming, 2011. "

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sanyo Pro-700 Usb Driver

11 reasons to eliminate management by objectives

Pseudoscience measure the performance of employees

is one of the most irrational practices of Management, which is given the appearance of science, based on to complicate absurd evaluation tables and formulas that subjectivity takes the appearance of objectivity.

Many evaluators and evaluated honestly believe that doing the right thing. I understand that common sense leads us to conclude that the practice is based. But common sense sometimes deceive us, our intelligence has its limitations. From our childhood we are taught to compete and gain scores, both at school and in sports or games. But the competition is poor among people who remain in the same organization should work together for their benefit. In turn, the scores should be interpreted knowledge of statistics to know when the different scores are due to chance or merit.

is no obvious and this distinction requires knowledge not usual. If you do not have this knowledge, they can mistakenly believe that an employee does his job better than someone who has obtained a "result" worse when the reality is that the difference is random, the degree of variability that the system itself produces.

Evaluations are a way to "manage" without looking at the people, without knowing and without being in day to day work, which makes managing from ignorance. For without adequate managerial skills and knowledge is easier to justify on the basis of scores, which manage the day to day everything can be improved and understanding people. As I said W. Edwards Deming " Feedback employees is the abdication of Management," 1994, "The New Economics."

If the welfare of employees depends on the score, such as is reasonable given more attention to it than any other aspect of the work or his own manager. Even if this company goes out injured, it is not its function question whether the goals have negative aspects for the organization (see reason 8).

manager's time would be much more useful and effective seeing for himself the daily work of its employees, teaching them to improve at the time and no later than one year and listening to their suggestions, filling out forms and looking graphics. Many pseudo-managers, however, do not support the work of their employees because they know what their role is limited to the administration, always easier to improve and learn.

W. Edwards Deming was frontally against any form of assessment as inconvenient for both the employee and the organization. Some of his reasons:

1 .- You can not know the true performance of employees by the score obtained by any method , chance and the organizational system have an influence of 95%. All scores are within a band with measurable limits, are as a result of chance and the system itself. Employees can not change it, only management can improve the system. Employees who are in this band are in the system and its score by chance.

An example of 6 employees who are measured judgments obtained score over 4 months old. Despite the differences (between 4 and 15), no score of any employee in any month is located outside the band of red lines are the random scores. Any result within the band (from 1 to 18 failures) is obtainable by random causes.

monthly Errors 6 employees. Possible 50. La banda del randomly between 1 and 18 errors

- Courtesy of Rafael Aguayo "The Metaknowledge Advantage", New York, 2004 -

2 .- Destroy collaboration among employees, departments and units creating competition harmful competition.

Deming said " The assessment creates competition between individuals, vendors, teams and departments." The New Economics "1994 - Ch 2-The Heavy Losses", page 26
3 .- denigrates the role of management, reducing it to mere administrative or judge who rewards and punishes with scores that are alien and usually subject to rules and rates that are imposed. But it leads him to be a leader who is, help, listen and understand your employees to improve their work

Deming said "... Management by numerical targets is an attempt to lead without the necessary knowledge ... usually ends up turning into fear direction. " "Out of the Crisis" 1982 - Ch.2 "Principles for Transformation," page 76
4 .- It is the objective which helps to improve, but the method. What new method we will get better results? The rest is to give a moody number that is worth more than a wish.

Many managers simply propose goals and make a deployment in the organization the conviction that this result is achieved. This is the model that Harold Geneen, ITT Directorr requirements and that he was carrying near ITT to ruin. This is what Deming called "Working backwards, establish desired outcomes and derive from them all the prerequisites necessary ..." Rafael Aguayo, 1990 in " Dr. Deming, The American Who Taught the Japanese About Quality ."

Only when the target is a vital need of the organization is justified this way of working, but not the method its chances of success are minimal.

5 .-
Produce demoralized people.

The number of well-meaning and intelligent people who feel cheated by the system of assessments include even those who obtained the best results.

6 .- Favorecee cheating and deception to get the best score . Deming advised that if he made a scoring exercise, most people would come in the band calculation in which the results were due to chance, but if someone brought extraordinary results out of the band should see if you are doing something that harms the company in the long term, and if someone was under the band had to teach it to improve its management obligation. Or look for a job where according to their abilities. The selection is a key and the employee is not selected itself.

7 .- is based on the false assumption that most people only strive rewards and punishments.

8 .- Learn to departmental objectives between which there is some form of incompatibility is in most cases, impossible without appropriate systemic knowledge. Whether in the short or long term, the deployment of the objectives of an organization leads to conflicting goals.

Too often reducing costs in the short produces an increase in long-term costs elsewhere in the organization, when the analysis can be performed with a systemic view.

9 .- Achieving optimal results in a process can undermine the whole enterprise . (See my article "Optimal of the parties does not guarantee the optimal set " ).

To this one might add that according to Alfie Kohn in "Punished by Rewards " economic incentives in most societies today, are useful only in 3 cases:

a) In repetitive tasks

b) When the amount is more important than quality

c) In short-term results

10 .- The evaluation costs are the horrors and cost of inefficiency management and administrative management of assessments and information technology.

11 .- Many of the most important aspects of a company are immeasurable. There endless somo examples of lost opportunities, identify unnecessary work without the involvement or the degree of learning.

entire development objectives should pay for the little faith that managers have about employees. Is designed under the premise of the bad employee who needs to "prize" or "punishment" to strive to do their job.

The solution is leadership, management in day to day, meet the staff, talk to them frequently, to understand and know how to do things, to help them improve and avoid errors continuously improving the system. This is the role of a manager and do algorithms measurements alleged that only lead to disaster. But for this the manager must have adequate knowledge, hence their inability to be supplemented with absurd methods.

The wage increases should be made by means other alleged individual performance measurements or units. Each company may follow a certain policy. The increases may be related to the overall performance of the entire organization, there may be a distribution of concepts such as seniority, the view of the immediate manager or the ability of sales, but according to a scheme in which all who belong to the same organization are rewarded by the outcome of all.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Milena Velba Kitten Outfit

The Finnish superheroes in Berlin.

Heroism from Neonchocolate Gallery on Vimeo . Saturday

This exhibition was inaugurated heroism in Neon Chocolate Gallery in Berlin. Is a collective exhibition around the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero ... My job is next to Hildisch Jaki, Stephan Laackman and Gwenaël Rattke. The entire project is curated by Stefan Fahlen.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Gay Pick Up Spots Charlotte Nc

New videos in the new year

time on the polyhedral from ignacio Chavez on Vimeo .

Superheroes from Finnish Janne Nyyssönen on Vimeo .

Santa and the Three Kings have teamed up to bring me an ear for Christmas! The bad part is pretty obvious, Buuut the good part is that I've had time to work hard from home. I updated my site a bit, among other things with these two videos, the first is a project that was not yet on the web. The second is the making of the superhero project Finns! Suup is fun! I encourage you to see! Happy New Year!